In a small school in Chennai, Mrs. Iyer, a dedicated teacher, was excited to get a new Smartboard for
her classroom. She had heard it would make her lessons more fun and interactive. She imagined
students enthusiastically participating in activities. But after a few months, Mrs. Iyer found herself
using the Smartboard for the same old tasks—showing slides and videos. She started wondering if
this expensive tool was worth it.
Lisa, an expert in education, believes Smartboards often fail to deliver on their promises. Instead of
helping students learn actively, they reinforce traditional teaching where the teacher lectures and
students listen passively. She points out that the money spent on Smartboards could be better used
on tools like tablets, books, or hands-on learning kits that encourage creativity and engagement.
Lisa also spoke to a company representative who praised Smartboards as essential for classrooms.
However, she felt it was more about clever marketing than actual benefits. Schools don’t need costly
gadgets to make learning effective—simpler tools can achieve the same results.
Another expert, Gary, explains that Smartboards can make students less active. Instead of solving
problems or thinking critically, kids end up just watching the teacher use the board. He emphasizes
the need for classrooms where students participate actively and learn by doing.
Mrs. Iyer’s experience shows that the best learning happens when students are engaged, not when
expensive gadgets are used. A passionate teacher, creative ideas, and affordable tools can make a
classroom far more impactful than a fancy Smartboard.